Thursday, January 12, 2012

A New Year...

Alrighty then...lots being written and blogged about and I almost forgot about this blog.  I am such a bad personal blogger.

Well it's January, a new year has dawned and it's about to snow (maybe).  I am echoing my fellow blogger in saying that there is much changed.  Old loves are no longer even friendly, new friends are becoming new loves.  Old friends have reemerged and the foundations of our relationships are as strong as ever.

I find myself writing almost daily these days.  Not all of it is good stuff, but some of it is.  The Jester's blog (almost 15 years old now) has a new "book" and several new chapters.  Also, I have added some other lost or forgotten chapters.  So there is a lot of new content on Jester's Book blog.

In recent D&D news, WotC announced that they are working on a new edition.  There is a crap load of excellent coverage on this topic and my two cents aren't going to add anything to the conversation.  Check out Rob's blog or the Lord's of Tyr site for more information.

Not a super exciting post, but it's something better than nothin'
